01 What we do
Manufacture of products and devices
– Mechanical engineering products
– Prototypes
– Serial parts
– Measuring devices
– Welding devices
– Dedicated devices for automation
Innovative ideas are our guide from development to realization.
We adapt to each client with a personal and creative approach.
Years of experiences ensure us high quality of end products.
We guarantee quality in the manufacture of all kinds of products.
– Mechanical engineering products
– Prototypes
– Serial parts
– Measuring devices
– Welding devices
– Dedicated devices for automation
– Prototype tools
– Serial tools
– Prototype tools
– Serial tools
– Fine stamping tools Feintool
Engineering is achieving function while avoiding failure.
Henry Petroski
Gubčeva ulica 8
8233 Mirna
Smo manjše družinsko orodjarsko podjetje s poslovno tradicijo od leta 1984. Za zadovoljstvo strank skrbimo že več kot 30 let, zato imamo veliko izkušenj pri izdelavi obrezilnih orodij, prototipnih orodij, raznoraznih priprav in podobnih izdelkov. Nikoli nas ne boste slišali reči »to ni izvedljivo« – vse je izvedljivo, le sredstva so omejena. Kreativnost in prilagajanje naročnikovim zahtevam sta naša stalnica, saj se želimo na trgu predstaviti kot idejni partner pri snovanju naročnikovih izdelkov in kot prilagodljiv in inovativen izvajalec naročnikovih idej.
Če z nami še niste poslovali, nas kontaktirajte in potrudili se vas bomo prepričati z našo ponudbo.
Smo manjše družinsko orodjarsko podjetje s poslovno tradicijo od leta 1984. Za zadovoljstvo strank skrbimo že več kot 30 let, zato imamo veliko izkušenj pri izdelavi obrezilnih orodij, prototipnih orodij, raznoraznih priprav in podobnih izdelkov. Nikoli nas ne boste slišali reči »to ni izvedljivo« – vse je izvedljivo, le sredstva so omejena. Kreativnost in prilagajanje naročnikovim zahtevam sta naša stalnica, saj se želimo na trgu predstaviti kot idejni partner pri snovanju naročnikovih izdelkov in kot prilagodljiv in inovativen izvajalec naročnikovih idej.
Če z nami še niste poslovali, nas kontaktirajte in potrudili se vas bomo prepričati z našo ponudbo.
We are a small family toolmaking company founded in 1984. We have been satisfying the needs of our customers for more than 30 years and have extensive experience in the fabrication of trimming tools, prototype tools, various devices, etc. We do not recognize the phrase “it is not feasible” – for us, everything is feasible, only resources are limited. Creativity and adaptability to the client’s requirements are the cornerstone of our approach, as we want to position ourselves as a creative partner in the design of our client’s products, as well as a flexible and innovative facilitator of their ideas.
If you have not done business with us yet, contact us and we will do our best to win you over with the services we offer.
We are a small family toolmaking company founded in 1984. We have been satisfying the needs of our customers for more than 30 years and have extensive experience in the fabrication of trimming tools, prototype tools, various devices, etc. We do not recognize the phrase “it is not feasible” – for us, everything is feasible, only resources are limited. Creativity and adaptability to the client’s requirements are the cornerstone of our approach, as we want to position ourselves as a creative partner in the design of our client’s products, as well as a flexible and innovative facilitator of their ideas.
If you have not done business with us yet, contact us and we will do our best to win you over with the services we offer.